
Get to Know Servato

Power Management Software and Remote Power Management Systems for Broadband Providers, Utilities, and More.

Servato’s Power Management Solutions can save you time and money and improve network reliability. It’s all built on the best Platform-as-a-Service solution in the power industry.

Double Battery Life

Servato’s Adaptive Charging can Double Battery Life for Telecom Batteries

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Over 100 Million Hours of Battery Data Gathered Per Year

Leverage the industry’s largest database of battery operations data

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Products and Features

Power Management Software

Servato’s power management systems reliably predict battery failure as much as 3 months in advance. Advanced testing, a huge library of battery data, and an analytics engine honed by experts make it possible.

Power Management Software

Power Management Systems

Servato manufactures the most advanced battery management and battery monitoring systems for standby power.

Power Management Systems

Double Battery Life with Adaptive Charging

Adaptive Charging is one of Servato’s flagship features and is truly unique in the space. Peer-reviewed papers and data from extensive testing is available to validate Servato’s technology

Battery Data and Testing

End Your Battery Problems

Contact Servato to learn more about how a power management solution can help your company. Bring reliability to your customers.

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