Innovation in Critical Infrastructure Management

The Emerging Leader in Automating Critical Infrastructure Maintenance

Get to Know Servato

Critical Infrastructure Management Solutions for Broadband Providers, Utilities, and More

Double Battery Life

Servato’s Adaptive Charging can Double Battery Life for Telecom Batteries

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Over 500 Million Critical Infrastructure Datapoints Gathered Per Year

Leverage the industry’s largest database of critical infrastructure operational data

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Servato’s Critical Infrastructure Management Solutions can save you time and money and improve operational efficiency and reliability. It’s all built on the best Platform-as-a-Service solution in the critical infrastructure management space.


Products and Features

Critical Infrastructure Management Software

Servato’s critical infrastructure management systems reliably predict systems failures months in advance, made possible by advanced technology, a vast and expanding library of systems data, and an analytics platform honed by experts.

Critical Infrastructure Management Systems

Servato manufactures and integrates the most advanced critical infrastructure management systems available to the telecom and utilities industries.

Double Battery Life with Adaptive Charging

Adaptive Charging is one of Servato’s flagship features and is truly unique in the space. Peer-reviewed papers and data from extensive testing are available to validate Servato’s ability to extend battery life and improve network reliability.

Company History

Servato is automating the way critical infrastructure is monitored and managed to ensure that the Internet is always on.

Founded in 2014 and funded by leading family offices and strategic and early-stage investors in the U.S., Servato’s solutions have evolved to a sophisticated combination of hardware, software and predictive analytics now monitoring critical infrastructure for some of the largest communications service providers in the U.S.

Servato’s hardware and software are developed, built and hosted in the U.S.

Trusted Across the Country – Servato Customers and Testimonials


Improve Network Reliability

Contact Servato to learn more about how our critical infrastructure management solutions can help your company bring reliability to your customers.