Intelligent Automation
Big Data for Critical Infrastructure

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All Servato products are proudly made in the USA. Servato Software is also developed and written in the USA.

What Can Critical Infrastructure Management Software do for you?
ActiView® CI Management Software is an important tool for our customers who are managing and maintaining large networks, but without adequate manpower to do all the . Chances are you have been thinking about how to automate parts of network maintenance, and ActiView®can help.
Many of our customers are fed up with finding out after an outage that their batteries are useless. ActiView®will let you know ahead of time and will predict battery failures so that you deal with fewer surprises when bad weather hits.
The Benefits of ActiView® Software

Battery State of Health
See the state of health of your individual batteries in real-time. Know which batteries you need to replace before they become problems during outages.

Regular Periodic Updates

Battery Fuel Gauge
Use the Battery Fuel Gauge to determine when you need to roll a truck for an outage. Never worry that you won’t make it to a site in time.

Software and Data Make Critical Infrastructure Decisions Easier

Solutions and Cases

Double Battery Life with Adaptive Charging

Security Built-In from the Ground Up

Power Management Systems
Servato leads the remote battery monitoring and management industry for a reason. The most accurate testing, battery life extension, and all around most complete product on the market
Adaptive Charging:
A Better Way
Double Your Battery Life
Float charging actually results in constant overcharging, higher internal temperature, increased positive plate polarization and grid corrosion, dehydration, and active material degradation. In other words, batteries fail more quickly than necessary when float charged.
Servato’s Adaptive charging negates these harmful affects by resting the batteries. Even better, rested batteries allow for more accurate testing, meaning Servato’s data is the best of any monitoring system in the industry.
Servato regularly presents our thought leadership at technical conferences of all kinds. The presentation at right is from Battery Power 2016.
Products by Application

Small OSP Cabinets

Larger OSP Cabinets and Huts
Any site with some rack space to spare is ideal for the SPS-248. The SPS-248 offers the best cost-per-string ratio and the most compact string-to-size footprint. SPS-248s can be daisy-chained together to manage up to 16 strings of batteries at a site.

Monitor and Manage How You Want
End Your Power Problems
Contact Servato to learn more about how a power management solution can help your company. Bring reliability to your customers.